OK in what has to have been a vary busy day for the post men, I received my warlord factory, gripping beast and GZG order all at the same time! (gasp!)
to bad I have to study tomorrow, but I got most of the GZG stuff primed and based at least. Kind of starting with the easiest of the Bach first.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
OK back at it
Ok partying my butt off and school starting agine has put a dampaner on my "Hobbies"
In the Mean, Warhammer Ancient Battles has tooken a bite out of me and I fell hard. I dug out the old rule sets that have been collecting dust on my book shelf and poped them open and I am vary happy with what I saw.
I am currently bulding at lest 2 Romen legions that will be used in a (distant) future Roman civilwar. I will be useing the forces from the WAB rule set for them and also I am makeing a Dacian army useing the Armes of antiquity and barbarians hoards army also from the WAB rule set.
There are 2 things that kick started me into this era they are as fallows.
One. The abilty to make a qick and relativly "Cheap" army useing all the plastics that are now on the market and two. Iron Mittien!
Checkout his Blogspot at http://iron-mitten.blogspot.com and if your not inspired to march on rome, then I say you dont have pulse.
Oh and yes on to the Shildwall segment, I was busy talkin to a friand and fellow gamer at the local store and in what can only be discribed as a bout of more money then brains I orderd the Saxon starter army from Gripping beast.
Now fall of the west and Saxon england have always been an intresting era for me so we shell see what direction this heads to then.
Pics will be posted soon.
In the Mean, Warhammer Ancient Battles has tooken a bite out of me and I fell hard. I dug out the old rule sets that have been collecting dust on my book shelf and poped them open and I am vary happy with what I saw.
I am currently bulding at lest 2 Romen legions that will be used in a (distant) future Roman civilwar. I will be useing the forces from the WAB rule set for them and also I am makeing a Dacian army useing the Armes of antiquity and barbarians hoards army also from the WAB rule set.
There are 2 things that kick started me into this era they are as fallows.
One. The abilty to make a qick and relativly "Cheap" army useing all the plastics that are now on the market and two. Iron Mittien!
Checkout his Blogspot at http://iron-mitten.blogspot.com and if your not inspired to march on rome, then I say you dont have pulse.
Oh and yes on to the Shildwall segment, I was busy talkin to a friand and fellow gamer at the local store and in what can only be discribed as a bout of more money then brains I orderd the Saxon starter army from Gripping beast.
Now fall of the west and Saxon england have always been an intresting era for me so we shell see what direction this heads to then.
Pics will be posted soon.
Friday, July 30, 2010
U.N.A Medical Ice Station Beta
Here are more expamples of showing off how diffrant scenory iteams help bring a game to life I present U.N.A Medical Ice Station Beta... 

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Fallow up to the FIW pics
I am showing these pics to show case how much life can be giving into any ordinary table top miniature game with the appropriate amount of scenery in the back provided.
In the mean time
In order to kill time while I wait for the primer to dry I will show some pics from my French and Indian war project.

Alright lad's the French are that way!

Wait Sarge I think I hear some thing over there......

My God the Indian Legends are true its a werewolf!!

Quick Lad's for England and Glory charge!!!
One of the great things about living in the Sunny south west is the lack of humidity. I know I am not the only one that enjoys knowing they wont be drenched in sweat or swarmed by flying bugs as soon as they leave the house.
For my hobby purposes, I especially like that I can prime my projects at just about any hour of the night and are useally ready to paint with in the hour.
Puting it all togther
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Plasticville USA

OK sense my project is to entail me making a Plasticville Apartment building I think I should explain what exactly a Plasticville Apartment building is.
Plasticville is a brand of plastic Toy train buildings sold in the United States. They are a simple design, made of walls that snap together, permitting them to be assembled without glue and then easily disassembled for storage. That being said i will be gluing mine together for this project.
Out of the box there usually two-tone, with walls, doors, windows and other things being different colors. With few exceptions plasticvill buildings are styled after 1950s suburban building and there product line hasn't changed much sense the 1950s.
The idea for my Zombie build Apartment house came from this site. http://www.skankgame.com/zombietown.htmlWednesday, July 21, 2010
The history of wargaming...Condensed
The first wargames were simple games like chess, checkers or modern Chinese game of "Go".
They stimulated tactical thought, but for practical application to "War" we will have to jump 1824 when a young, Lieutenant George Heinrich Johann von Reisswitz, of the Prussian Guard Artillery developed a game that was to be known as "Kriegsspiels" or simply "wargame".
This game introduces many innovations such as using actual topographical maps to portray the battlefield with rules which specifically rated the effects of combat.

These rules were published by Prussian Prince Wilhem who liked the game and introduced it to the Prussian General Staff.
The General Von Muffling was so impressed by the game that he declared, "This is not a game! This is training for war! I must recommend it to the whole army!" And this he did, every regiment would end up owning at least one copy. It was very popular with the German military, many of their clubs being founded to "play war" when not actively training or on the battlefield.
Wargaming remained mostly a German preoccupation, until the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. In this conflict, the militia and reserve based armies of the Prussians decisively defeated the professional army of France, then thought to have had the finest army in the world. It was believed that the wargames prepared the Prussian commanders to be better prepared for the strategic prosecution of the war....of course there is much more to their victory then the game but, there are volumes of books on that subject and this is not one of them.

From this many countries militaries academies developed their own "wargames" to be used as training tools. And these games also proved quite successful and history abounds with examples of how commanders were defeated as a result of ignoring results of these "Wargames".
A Russian game in 1914 predicted defeat if General Samsomov's 2nd Army did not begin its advance 3 days ahead of General's Rennenkampf's 1st Army. Despite this, no changes were made to the army's orders and the result was the Russian army's disasters defeat at the battle of Tannenburg later on that same year. Where they lost over 78,000 killed or wounded and up to 92,000 captured, compared with only 12,000 casualties on the German side.

Russian Prisoners 1914
Even our America Pacific Fleet commander, Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, explained to a Naval War College Class in 1960 that, "the war with Japan had been reenacted in the game rooms here by so many people and in so many different ways that nothing happened during the war that was a surprise-absolutely nothing except the Kamikazis toward the end of the war that is."
The First commercial "wargame" was wrote and made by author H.G. Wells in 1913 under the title of "Little Wars: A game for boys from the Twelve Years to One Hundred and Fifty and for that More Intelligent Sort of Girl who likes Games and books."
The rules themselves were not anything to get excited about and more resembled my days of shooting GI-Joe's with bebe guns and bottle rockets when I was nine. Where the game really shined is in that it was the first to have the individual units and troops characterized by inexpensive, mass produced painted toy soldiers. These games eventually inspired the games you might all know as board games like "Risk" and "Stratego". Also, role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, and all modern military PC games have their basis from these Wargames of old.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It Begins
Hail and good tidings to all, you readers who have taken the time out of your busy day to read a little of what I have to offer. So with out wasting any more of your time let me begin by introducing myself.
I am Christopher Moody. I am an adventurer, globe-trotter, student, veteran para-trooper, reader of books, watcher of movies, hiker, wall-climber nerd, thrower of dice, wargamer, animal lover, a heavy metal and punk-rock enthusiast.
Having often wanted to start a blog to share my antics, I am now required to do so for a grade in my English class.
And since wargaming is one of my hobbies I decided to start off my first few post with a house building project for my friends over at Monomer games, or as I know them the Las Vegas historical war gamers group. Here is the link to our web site and yahoo group.
I am Christopher Moody. I am an adventurer, globe-trotter, student, veteran para-trooper, reader of books, watcher of movies, hiker, wall-climber nerd, thrower of dice, wargamer, animal lover, a heavy metal and punk-rock enthusiast.
Having often wanted to start a blog to share my antics, I am now required to do so for a grade in my English class.
And since wargaming is one of my hobbies I decided to start off my first few post with a house building project for my friends over at Monomer games, or as I know them the Las Vegas historical war gamers group. Here is the link to our web site and yahoo group.
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