Saturday, February 22, 2025

Anglo-Irish Lord and well armored Kern

Made these guys to pull double duty in historical and fantasy games.
One with the pole hammer is based off of some Anglo-Irish armor and grave effigies from the 15-16th century.
While the dude with the large ring sword is a Perry bros miniature Kern with a head and leg surgery. To make him a well armored Kern or Ridire with some Continental armor under his leine and lonar.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Famous By Our Swords Kickstarter

Hail and well met traveller. I hope your road was not too troublesome, we strive hard to keep the highways and byways clear for those towns, cities and princelings who pay well enough. You have come here, to a fort of the company. To sign up, to earn gold and glory. To blaze your name into the annals of myth and legend across Túath. Maybe you even dream of forging your legend in the horrors of the chasm where the veil between realities is torn asunder. For now, I assure you, put these thoughts from your head. If you decide to take the golden coin of Licinius, if you decide to join the company and sign away the next decade of your life to a world of violence, toil, double crossing and penny pinching nobles then be glad if you survive it intact. The lands teem with the Sídhe and their Formoraic allies, monsters are abroad again. The chasm groans and releases new horrors daily, magic rises and mages cannot contain the pressure… So make your mark, take the coin and join us as we all strive to become Famous By Our Swords.
-This diorama depicts the duel between Horatius and Cécathach, two named characters in the book. Welcome to Túath, a land blighted by the legacy of a war between gods, where a mercenary company which is known only as ‘The Company’ fights to keep the lands safe, for a price. Your mantra should be the same as that of the company. Steel for Gold or Gold from Steel. You may choose to play as a soft hearted charitable blade, to do good for the sake of good and help those in need, this will leave you short of gold when the company comes to collect and the company does not look kindly on those who shirk their tithes. In this world you can play as a single mercenary, going from place to place taking on contracts and earning fame at the point of your blade alone, or you can lead a small band of your fellow mercenaries. The system allows for skirmish play, narrative driven rpg-lite campaigns or any mix of the two that you enjoy. Túath is a vast canvas waiting for brave souls to forge their own narrative, build a legend and become famous by their sword, bow, spear, axe or any other weapon they choose to wield. The miniature agnostic nature of the game and setting is designed to encourage maximum creativity when it comes to using miniatures or kitbashing your own.
-A skirmish in Túath well underway! I developed FBOS with two basic principles in mind: 1 - Easy to learn and hard to master. I designed the games in such a way that the complexity is between the two players and their plans than between the player and their minis. 2 - Maximum creativity. I want players to feel free in creating any style of mercenary or warband that they choose. Túath as a setting is open in scope and allows for the mixing of historical and fantasy themes/miniatures as players see fit.
A preview from the book.
Some video with a shout out from the Previous addition. And a battle report from the old edition. the creators instagram.
Or if you just like the mins. Here is thier shop page, where you can also pick of a digitel or phisical copy of their mass battle rules. Clash of banners.

The BEST Battle Report EVER!? Sharpe's DEMON.

Down in the Drip | Heretic Hunt: Episode 2 | ODDVOID

The Heresy Begins | Heretic Hunt: Episode 1 | ODDVOID