There seems to be a lot of love for this old GW game as of late. Or at least I seem to have picked up on that chatter.
Ether way I have decided to try my hand at making a few figs along the 28mm vain.
I like the idea of the hybrid story driven skirmish game opposed to the mass battle style of the regular table top that just leaves me cold these days. Also reading some of Mr. Dan Abnett's novels are not helping. Even the Gaunt's Ghosts Novels leave me wanting to know more of what the common man lives with in the Forty First Millennium. So I have been reading though my old copy of Inquisitor, Rouge Trader and trying to find any downloadable info I can find.
Busy also writing a background to us for the game too or at least missions.
Some day I hopefully will post them up on this forum.
So with out much more talking. Here are some of my works in progress.
The Group I have worked up so far.
Inquisitor, Agent, Noble, Planetary Governor, Rouge Trader He might be one of or all of these things. Not completely sold on the book and I need to add a garget or a chain to connect his coat together.
Heavy armored, boltgun armed enforcer. Thinking Former Arbitrate.
Using some Wood Elf parts I made this infiltrator/martial artiest Character.
Priest and doctor. Maybe name him Cadfael.
Another Agent, Inquisitor, Rouge trader, noble.
And I think I have spent more time then needed at my computer today.