Thursday, May 9, 2019

On Guard In The Outposts Of Peace Aka Outposts Of Peace - Irish Army Man...


  1. Interesting mix of helmets there. And those artillery trucks sure look like the Opel Blitz.

    1. Yep the 1926 Vickers helmet. A interwar production model by Vickers. Only used by the Irish Army from what I have read.
      As for the Truck, I don't know. They use any thing they can get their hands on, and even today seem to only do small purchases of vehicles and equipment. So maybe they are Opel Blitz's gifted to them from the U.K. from captured stock. Just guessing.

    2. I just shared another video from the 1950s showing the Irish Army on summer maneuvers, Its in color and shows off the color of the uniforms used in what the Irish call "The Emergency" World war 2.
